No warnings

Weather symbols

clear, daily sunny
mainly clear, daily sunny
partly cloudy
mainly cloudy
cloudy, but lucid
fog, mainly cloudy
fog, clear
fog, mainly clear or partly cloudy
misty and cloudy (overcast)
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with small amount of rain
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with moderate amount of rain
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with considerable amount of rain
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with possibility of lightning
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with small amount of rain and possibility of lightning
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with moderate amount of rain and possibility of lightning
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with considerable amount of rain and possibility of lightning
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with small amount of rain and snow
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with moderate amount of rain and snow
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with considerable amount of rain and snow
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with small amount of snow
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with moderate amount of snow
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with considerable amount of snow
partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with snow and possibility of lightning
cloudy with small amount of rain
cloudy with moderate amount of rain
cloudy with considerable amount of rain
cloudy with possibility of lightning
cloudy with small amount of rain and possibility of lightning
cloudy with moderate amount of rain and possibility of lightning
cloudy with considerable amount of rain and possibility of lightning
cloudy with small amount of rain and snow
cloudy with moderate amount of rain and snow
cloudy with considerable amount of rain and snow
cloudy with small amount of snow
cloudy with moderate amount of snow
cloudy with considerable amount of snow
fog, then partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with rain
fog, then partly to mainly (variably) cloudy with snow
misty and cloudy (overcast) with possibility of snow
misty and cloudy (overcast) with possibility of rain

Wind symbols
weak east (E)
moderate east (E)
strong east (E)
weak north (N)
moderate north (N)
strong north (N)
weak northeast (NE)
moderate northeast (NE)
strong northeast (NE)
weak northwest (NW)
moderate northwest (NW)
strong northwest (NW)
weak south (S)
moderate south (S)
strong south (S)
weak southeast (SE)
moderate southeast (SE)
strong southeast (SE)
weak southwest (SW)
moderate southwest (SW)
strong southwest (SW)
weak west (W)
moderate west (W)
strong west (W)
calm (C)
The wind direction gives the direction from which the wind is coming.
Wind speed
weak[ 2 m/s - 5 m/s ]
moderate[ 5 m/s - 9.9 m/s ]
strong[ > 9.9 m/s ]